History of the Group

The Buxted Players amateur dramatic society was first formed in 1928 by a small band of local enthusiasts, who took up residence in the Reading Room located in the village.

Those early productions posed many challenges, not least the absence of electric light to the hall and so car batteries were used for stage lighting in the early years. Nonetheless, the first production “Jane”, a three act farce, took place in December 1930. Having got the first production under their belts, the group continued to put on plays until the outbreak of the Second World War.

Following the war years there was a bit of a hiatus, but the group was fully revived in 1954 and regularly performed twice yearly, offering a wide variety of entertainment including the classics, thrillers, comedies, drama, pantomimes and farce all performed in the Reading Room, along with some outdoor events featuring Shakespeare, Chaucer and Molière.

In 2020, not only were productions put on hold due to the pandemic, but it was also at this time that The Buxted Players – along with other groups who used the facility – learned that the Reading Room would no longer be available to them. Due to its age and the deteriorating fabric of the building, the Parish Council declared it unfit for purpose. With the loss of the Reading Room, The Buxted Players found themselves very much at a cross-roads.  Would they be able to carry on or be forced to admit defeat?

Emulating the spirit of the founders of the group the decision was made to carry on and find a new ‘home’ in the locality, in order that they could continue to entertain loyal audiences. Fortunately, they didn’t have to look too far as Framfield Memorial Hall, complete with stage, suited their requirements perfectly. Now, firmly established in their new ‘home’ in Framfield the group continue to stage twice yearly productions.

The Buxted Players are a sociable group and enjoy not only the camaraderie of the productions, but also social gatherings and outings and welcoming new members to the fold.

As the group approach their centenary in 2028, they look forward to many more years doing what they do best – treating local audiences to a wide variety of entertaining productions.

JULY 2024

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