We are excited to announce a play reading
of the iconic comedy Hay Fever by Noel Coward!
Come enjoy a taste of this witty and entertaining play.
Play Reading Dates:
23rd January at 8:00 pm
1st February at 10:00 am
Both of the above to be held at Framfield Memorial Hall TN22 5NR
Performance Dates: 12th – 14th June
If you’re passionate about theatre or curious about what we’re up to, we’d love for you to join us for one (or both!) of these play readings.
Come meet the director, explore the characters, and get a sneak peek into the madness of the Bliss family!
We are looking for actors, backstage, front of house and scenery.
New members Welcome!
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity – mark your calendars and come be part of the fun!
Any queries email buxtedplayers@gmail.com or
call Jayne Cottrell on 077022 66582