Privacy Policy
The Buxted Players value you as a member and your personal data very highly. This Privacy Policy tells you how we handle any personal information you provide to us. We will do all we can to protect your privacy and to make sure any personal information you share with us is stored securely. By providing your personal information you agree to allow The Buxted Players to contact you either on the basis of the consents you have given us or for our Legitimate Interests in accordance with current data protection regulations. We assure you we do not share your data with any Third Parties.
What personal information does The Buxted Players collect?
We routinely collect information from members when they join, as well as those who sign up to receive our Newsletters.
This may include:
- Names
- E-mail addresses
- Telephone numbers
We also collect personal information when members and non-members audition for a production. In addition to the storing of names and contact details we may well take photographs , during productions and social events. These may be reproduced on our website, on our social media pages (Facebook and Instagram) as well as in our Newsletters unless we receive specific instruction from individuals to the contrary.
We may also keep a record of your transactions with The Buxted Players and any correspondence between us, which may include details of:
- Ticket purchases and event attendance
- Contact preferences
- Any donations given
- Details of any correspondence sent to you or received from you
How is personal data stored?
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations Act 2018 all personal information will be held securely and used with care and in accordance with this policy. In respect of members, your information is stored in digital format on an Excel spreadsheet by our membership secretary. With regard to those who receive our Newsletters, your information is stored digitally by Mailchimp. To view Mailchimp’s Data Security & Privacy Policy click here.
The Buxted Players Treasurer carefully stores records of any payments made to members i.e. when refunding any production costs incurred by that member.
What is personal information used for?
The Buxted Players only collect any personal information about you that you have knowingly provided.
We use members’ data for administering your membership & communication information. The data gathered during auditions and rehearsals is held by the production team (including director, producer and any other appropriate support).
Subject to your prior approval we may communicate with you.
- By email to inform you about the productions that we plan to stage as well as social gatherings quiz nights, meals out etc. Your email address will never be visible to others.
- By telephone, when time is of the essence, in the case of cancelled / rearranged rehearsals or performances.
The Buxted Players Newsletter
Our Newsletters and other notifications will be sent to you by email. Very occasionally we may contact you by telephone to your check your email address if we are notified that our emails, via Mailchimp, are not getting through.
Membership subscriptions are due on an annual basis in January each year. By paying your subscription you are automatically allowing us to continue to send you Newsletters and notifications and to make contact with you until such time that you no longer wish to receive them. You can opt-out of these methods of communication at any time by clicking UNSUBSCRIBE at the foot of these notifications.
Online ticket purchases
If you purchase tickets online, these will be transacted on behalf of The Buxted Players by TicketSource. You can read TicketSource’s Privacy Policy click here.
TicketSource only pass onto us your contact details in order that we may verify your ticket purchase. Neither TicketSource nor ourselves receive any of your credit/debit card details. These are handled by a third-party payment processor.
Your rights
In addition to this policy your personal data is protected in the UK by the General Data Protection Regulations Act 2018. In accordance with this Act, The Buxted Players will process any data we hold about you only in a lawful and fair manner. The Buxted Players will keep your data secure to prevent unauthorised access by third parties. Your personal data may have to be disclosed if we are required to disclose it by law or as a result of a lawful request by a government or law enforcement authority.
You have the right to:
- View all your personal data held by The Buxted Players
- Request us to amend or delete all personal data
- Withdraw your consent to us communicating with you at any time
- Lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office
If you wish to contact us about your personal data email us at: buxtedplayers@gmail.com
Policy changes
We retain the right to make changes or adjustments to our privacy policy from time to time. Where there’s a significant change to this privacy policy, we will always notify you so that you can decide whether to continue to receive information from us.
Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on our website and will take immediate effect.
This policy was last updated on July 2024
If you are interested in finding out more the please email buxtedplayers@gmail.com, join as a member and take part in the fun, or as a Patron and support the players and come along to social events, quizzes, outings, meals and of course Plays!